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Sunday 6 November 2011

Looking Forward???

Am I alone in feeling dread when I think about the future? The more I throw myself down this path of discovery and enterprise, I begin to realise that nothing is certain any more.

It is so awful to realise that the one person in your life you thought you knew best, is actually so far from what you thought they were that you begin to doubt your own ability to see the best in people. I have always been a negative person, I have pretty astute intuition about certain things and I'm not very often proved wrong if I'm honest. Doesn't make it hurt any less though does it? 

Why do we let our guard down? Why do we feel that it is safe to do so? And why, when we DO let them down, is it to the worst possible sort of person? Well it's no longer my problem. I won't allow this person to affect me from now on. They can wreck and break as much as they like without me around to pick up the pieces like always.

I need to keep putting those walls up and keeping them there. No more tears, pain or hurt. I want to be strong and solid and stubborn.